Dental solutions provider unified Microsoft 365 with Google Workspace

Woman and man sitting at a table both working on their laptops
Learn how a dental implant provider achieved seamless communication post-acquisition by integrating Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams using Mio's interoperability solution.
The background
The challenge
The solution
The results

Transforming Internal Collaboration Post-Acquisition

A leading regional dental implant solutions provider revolutionized its internal communication by integrating Google Workspace with Microsoft Teams 365 using Mio. After being acquired by a larger healthcare organization that primarily uses Microsoft Teams, the dental provider overcame collaboration challenges by bridging the two platforms, fostering seamless teamwork without disrupting their established workflows.


Navigating Communication Barriers After Acquisition

When the dental implant solutions provider was acquired four years ago, both companies anticipated adjustments to unify their operations. A significant obstacle emerged: the parent company's employees were primarily on Microsoft Teams, while the dental provider's staff had been using Google Workspace for over 15 years. This disparity led to siloed communication, hindering collaboration across teams.

The apparent solution was to migrate the dental provider's employees to Microsoft Teams—a lengthy and disruptive process that lacked enthusiasm among staff accustomed to Google Workspace. The need for a more efficient, less intrusive solution became evident to maintain productivity and employee satisfaction.


Platform Interoperability for Seamless Collaboration

The turning point came when the Senior Director of Technology and Infrastructure at the dental implant provider discovered an announcement from Google about chat interoperability between Google Chat, Microsoft Teams, and Slack, powered by Mio. Recognizing an opportunity to bridge the communication gap, the company implemented Mio's chat interoperability solution.

This integration allowed employees from both companies to communicate effortlessly while remaining on their preferred platforms. Teams could collaborate on files stored in Google Drive and SharePoint, share messages, and even enjoy casual interactions without switching tools. Mio provided flexibility for future decisions: whether to continue with Google Workspace or eventually migrate to Microsoft Teams, the interoperability ensured uninterrupted communication throughout any transition.



Enhanced Collaboration and Employee Satisfaction

Today, both companies continue to use their respective platforms, unified by Mio's interoperability solution. Employees seamlessly exchange messages, collaborate on documents, and engage in team interactions without the friction previously experienced.


By leveraging Mio, the dental implant solutions provider and its parent company have transformed potential post-acquisition challenges into a success story of smooth, productive collaboration. This strategic integration has enhanced teamwork, preserved preferred workflows, and positioned both companies for continued growth.

Key highlights

  • Post-Acquisition Communication Challenge: A dental implant solutions provider using Google Workspace was acquired by a healthcare organization that operates on Microsoft Teams, leading to internal communication barriers.
  • Discovery of Mio's Interoperability Solution: The Senior Director of Technology and Infrastructure identified Mio's chat interoperability between Google Chat and Microsoft Teams as a potential solution.
  • Integration with Mio: Implementing Mio enabled seamless communication between employees on both platforms without requiring a disruptive migration or dual licenses.
  • Enhanced Cross-Platform Collaboration: Teams could now send messages, share files, and collaborate effectively while staying on their preferred platforms, boosting productivity and employee satisfaction.
  • Positive Feedback and Leadership Excitement: Immediate benefits were observed, with employees and leadership expressing enthusiasm about the improved collaboration.
  • Future Flexibility and Continued Success: Mio provided flexibility for future platform decisions, allowing the companies to focus on teamwork and delivering exceptional services to their clients.

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