Activity Dashboard

Module 9: Activity Dashboard

Track user sync status, deployment, and messaging activity with Mio's Activity Dashboard, optimizing your organization's chat performance.

Activity Dashboard

Hi everyone, welcome to Mio Academy. I'm Jacob, and today I'm going to show you a core feature of the Mio Hub: the Activity Dashboard. 

The Activity Dashboard is a valuable resource of user metrics to organize and optimize your organization’s chat activity. 

Keeping track of messaging activity is crucial to a successful deployment. The Activity Dashboard is a powerful tool that centralizes all data for easy assessment. 

Let’s dive into what you’ll be able to see in the Activity Dashboard. 

Users by sync status 

The Users by sync status section delivers insights into the sync status of all users within your enterprise. These statuses are broken down into the following: 

  • Synced users are successfully synced for cross-platform messaging. 
  • Pending users have received the Mio app’s sync prompt, but have not yet accepted it. Until they accept the prompt, they will not be able to chat across platforms. Once the prompt is accepted, their status will change from Pending to Synced.
  • Failed users have run into an error during the sync process. 
  • Blocked users have manually blocked the Mio app. These users will need to unblock the Mio app in order for cross-platform chat to be successful. 
  • Undefined users don’t have an assigned Primary platform. 

Click on each status to learn more about your users and to complete any action items that prevent them from sending messages across platforms. 

Deployment - Synced and active users 

The deployment section gives another view of user statuses by platform.

Admins will also be able to see the percentage of users that are active on each platform. 

Usage - Message statistics 

The usage section provides an in-depth look at your organization’s messaging activity, beginning with the total number of messages sent per platform. 

A Toggle Tax section is coming soon, and will help visualize the ROI that Mio delivers by cutting down on time spent switching between apps.

An informative graph view gives admins another way to explore their organization’s messaging metrics. 

Additionally, the number of messages sent in channels, DMs, group chats are broken down by platform, as well as the number of files.  

For additional granularity, admins can also view the most active channels and users within the organization. 


Thank you for watching this module on Mio's Activity Dashboard.

 If you have any further questions, please visit our help center at, or reach out to our support team.

 Stay tuned for more lessons here at Mio Academy, where we help you become an expert on all things Mio. See you next time!